What about four lakes, or even five! We hiked the route with six mountain lakes. It was rich! In fact, I couldn’t count the lakes without a map.
In Switzerland, it’s not so easy to tell whether it’s already a lake or just a temporary, nameless body of water created after the spring and summer melt.
Driving to Gotthard Passhöhe station
Before our hike began, we got a glimpse of what awaited us through the window of bus no. 110, driving from the train station in Airolo to Gotthard Passhöhe station. The route leads through a rather winding and narrow road to an altitude of 2,091m, revealing stunning views of the mountain peaks.
Once there, I was surprised by the hustle and bustle, the number of people and vehicles. It is certainly a place teeming with life.
St. Gotthard Pass
St. Gotthard is not only beautiful views and hiking trails, but above all an important historical place. And monuments remind us of this, among others to the Russian general Suvorov. This memorial commemorates Russian soldiers who died during the battle against the French in 1799. There is also a monument in the central area to a pilot who crashed in the region while serving his homeland.
Since the Middle Ages, the Gotthard Pass has been one of the most important routes connecting the northern and southern regions directly across the Alps.
It was named after St. Gotthard, Bishop of Hildesheim, who was canonised in 1131. St. Gotthard was revered as a restorer, founder of monasteries and schools and as a healer.
Those interested in learning more about the past and the great strategic importance of this place can visit the St. Gotthard Museum, which is located in the pass.
Interesting return journey
Finally, I would like to add that we had a very interesting return journey. The driver of the bus going from Gotthard Passhöhe to the station in Andermatt, played the role of tour guide. He drew our attention to the places we passed on the way and shared information about them with us.
We were able to see the Devil’s Bridge (die Teufelsbrücke) in the Schöllenen Gorge from a distance. It was a strategic place where all wanderers and traders crossed and where fierce battles took place. Although I didn’t understand everything (Ah that Swiss!), it was a nice end to the hike at Gotthardpass.